Information about Veteran Participation Reports (VPR’s) for Commemorative Dates  

 National VFW By-Laws, Manual of Procedure, Rituals and General Orders of the National VFW expressly dictate what each VFW Post must do in regards to Commemorative Dates. 

 Section 223 of the VFW National By-Laws - Commemorative Dates: "Each Post shall properly observe commemorative dates, as prescribed in the Ritual and Manual of Procedure.  

 Section 223 of the VFW National Manual of Procedure – Commemorative Dates: "Each Post shall make arrangements for observances of Memorial Day, see that suitable grave markers, wreaths and flags of the United States are placed on the graves of deceased members and, if practicable, conduct Memorial Day Services in the cemeteries in its locality.  

 Each Post shall see that suitable arrangements are made for the observance of Veterans Day, Flag Day and Loyalty Day.  

 In addition, the Post should arrange special ceremonies, and all Commanders should alert comrades to their obligations for appropriate commemoration of other dates specified in the Ritual.”  

 National VFW Ritual – Commemorative Tributes: "Posts should arrange special ceremonies and all commanders shall alert comrades to their obligations for appropriate commemoration of the following outstanding action dates in U.S. history:

Click on Highlighted dates for link to more information about each event.


 May 1—Loyalty Day, annually.  

 May 8—VE Day: German unconditional surrender signed, 1945.  

 May 28—Memorial Day

  June 6—D Day: Allied invasion of Europe, 1944.  

 June 14—Flag Day.  

 July 4—Independence Day.  

 July 27—Signing of the Korean Armistice in 1953.  

 August 31—End of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2010.  

 September 2—VJ Day: Japan surrendered, 1945, ending World War II fighting. 

 September 11— Patriot’s Day 

 September, third Friday—POW/MIA Recognition Day.  

 October 9—Start of Operation Enduring Freedom—

.Afghanistan 2001.  

 October 18—Recognition of Women in Military Service  

 November 11—Signing World War I Armistice, 1918. Veterans Day.  

 December 7—Pearl Harbor Day, since 1941.  

 January 27—Signing of the Vietnam Peace Accord in 1973.  

 February 15—Sinking of U.S.S. Maine, 1898.  

 February 28— Liberation of Kuwait—Operation Desert Storm 1991.  

 March 24—Start of the Kosovo Campaign 1999.  

 March 31—End of Operation Restore Hope—Somalia 1995.  

 Not listed in the Current Edition of the VFW By-laws but as important is;  

 September 29th of each year is the VFW Birthday.  

 Every Date should be properly commemorated by each Post. However, only 12 reports from each Post will be accepted. Five minimum for minimum requirement credit. The ones in bold lettering must be accomplished, and the Post Commander selects the others for reporting purposes. This means only 12 will count for Community Service. 2 Pts for each report –24 total pts Emphasis will be on Community Service for each Post this year. The goal is for each Post to report at least 100 Community Service events.